
compress pdf to 100kb

Compressing a PDF.

  1. Upload your PDF file.
  2. Choose compression method (low, medium, high).
  3. Optional: Convert images to grayscale for further compression.
  4. Click "compress pdf button" to initiate compression.


Select a PDF File

Drag and drop files here or click to select files

Compression Level

    Quickly Shrink Your PDF

    Drag and drop your PDF or choose a file to compress. Pick "low" or "medium", 'high' compression, or adjust settings for more control. Make images black and white for even smaller file sizes.

    compress PDFs online - Skip the software!

    Use your web browser to compress PDFs directly from any device. Avoid downloading and installing programs. This secure and virus-free tool from blueseotools lets you reduce image quality (dpi) to significantly shrink your PDF file size

    Why Compress PDFs?

    File size matters! Especially when emailing or uploading documents. PDFs are common for job applications, document sharing, and assignments.

    The solution? PDF compression.

    Compressing PDFs shrinks their size, making them easier to send and upload. This ensures your important documents reach their destination quickly and efficiently.

    Your Privacy is Our Priority

    At BlueSEOTools, we take your privacy seriously. When you upload files for compression, they are handled securely and discreetly. Here's what that means for you:

    • No Third-Party Sharing: Your files are never shared with anyone outside of blueSEOTools.
    • Automated Processing: Uploads are processed automatically, ensuring no human eyes see your documents.
    • Copyright Protection: We respect your ownership of your files. Compression does not alter copyrights.

    For more details, please visit our Privacy Policy.

    PDFs? We've Got You Covered

    BlueSEOTools specializes in compressing PDF documents. Simply upload your PDF, and we'll shrink its size quickly and easily.

    Compress Anywhere, Anytime

    Forget being chained to your computer! blueseotools lets you compress PDFs on the go, wherever you are. Whether you're using a smartphone, tablet, Windows, Mac, Firefox, or Internet Explorer, our tool works seamlessly across all devices.